Our organization pursues a strategic goal for business continuity, which is quality understood as:

Ability to ensure regular transport and trade of food and personal comfort items capable of fully satisfying the customer's needs, whether expressed or latent.

The organization, in order to address the quality path, is committed to continuously creating, adopting and improving the quality management system in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001:2015.

Critical success factors for this improvement path, which top management is committed to cultivating and promoting, are:

  • The authentic and motivated approach to the real satisfaction of customer needs
  • The true understanding of the its needs and the ability to manage them according to the system requirements
  • The satisfaction of all identified interested parties
  • The involvement of all company personnel, who in various capacities are employed in quality processes, in the research and implementation of increasingly technologically advanced solutions serving the market
  • The desire to work in a positive, reassuring and promising climate for the organization, its staff and all interested parties.

With the approval of this Quality Policy, senior management undertakes to guide the organization towards an excellent level of compliance with customer requirements, those of the system and the standard and mandatory requirements.


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