The purpose of our environmental system and the results we expect

The environmental management system that our organization has adopted pursues the purpose of managing the business according to sustainable development that, from an environmental point of view, meets the needs of current and future generations in light of the social, economic and cultural process of the ecological transition underway.

The compliance of our organization with the system is important because it allows us to achieve the expected results:

  • Continuously improve our environmental performance
  • Meet compliance obligations
  • Achieve environmental objectives

Our commitment

The commitment required by the environmental management system is to prevent pollution phenomena but also episodes and behaviors of damage and degradation that our activities can generate.

The need to respond to a globalized and changing context

The organization is aware of operating and interacting with a global scenario in which political and social factors, the needs of interested parties, environmental aspects and compliance obligations are all connected and certainly exert their influence on the way in which the organization pursues the purpose of the management system.

To respond more appropriately to each of those that the organization has spontaneously called "contextual elements", the organization assesses the risks associated with them and plans the actions necessary to address these risks.

In this path, the organization, in relation to the purpose just declared, intends to obtain expected results, also just declared, motivated by intentions expressed in relation to each element of the context, internal and external to it.

The direction that we establish and that we will periodically review:

The intentions are the following:

With regard to political, social, economic and market factors:

  • Train and raise awareness among members and staff on environmental issues
  • Obtain financing to support the environmental investments that the organization must make
  • Qualify certified suppliers that operate globally and can respond more flexibly to uncertainties
  • Qualify technological partners to manage the ecological transition that the organization must comply with
  • Acquire a "Green" reputation through attention to the environment and the community

With regard to the needs of interested parties:

  • Reward top management in relation to performance in order to support managerial motivation
  • Prevent environmental incidents that would damage the community and betray its expectations

With regard to the aspects and the environmental impacts of our activities:

  • Reduce emissions into the atmosphere
  • Reduce emissions into water
  • Reduce releases of pollutants into the soil
  • Save the use of raw materials and natural resources
  • Save energy consumption
  • Reduce energy emissions (noise)
  • Reduce waste production

With regard to the compliance obligations to which the organization's activities are exposed by law or by our will (which expose us to risks of crime, sanctions and loss of reputation):

  • Ensure full compliance of the documentation relating to the compliance obligations
  • Ensure full truthfulness of the data and information required by the compliance obligations
  • Ensure full effectiveness of the technical checks in identifying non-conformities and deviations

How our organization supports the management system:

The organization, supported by its members, makes available the necessary support to pursue environmental objectives, in relation to the economic resources made available by the environmental budget.

However, the effective functioning of the environmental management system also requires the appropriate tools and good technical preparation that the organization has decided to make available, evaluate and improve, such as:

  • Instrumental resources: equipment, work tools, IT equipment
  • Technical skills: environmental sciences, operational activity processes, environmental procedures
  • Awareness: risks, environmental impacts, influence of the context, environmental policy, objectives and performances
  • Communication activities: for the functioning of the processes and the management of relationships with the interessate
  • Recording Tools: Easy-to-use documentation for system operation (info. Documentate)

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